Windows 8 RTM… Redux…

Windows 8, for over a month now I have been running it on my laptop.

It seems alright, I do know it feels much faster then windows 7 but the metro is still hard to work with it’s like the start menu is now full screen status. I want to set this up with a Windows 2013 server area.

I have been around on the windows scene since the big change from windows 95 to 98 and from windows 2000 to windows xp, and the big change from xp to vista.

Windows 8 feels no major different from Windows 7 in performance really other then boot times are faster and caching seems to be a bit faster with some applications and Metro does feels kind of useless with out a touch screen.

Hopefully this pushes the market for more touch screen LCD / HD Monitor + TV’s or even better kinetic use.